At-Home CRP Test: Are They Reliable?

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At-home health testing is growing more popular than ever, particularly among people who prefer the ease of monitoring their health from home. Among these possibilities, the at-home CRP test has gained popularity as a method of monitoring inflammation without requiring a lab visit. C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in human blood are:

  • Important indicators of inflammation.
  • Helping to detect disorders such as infections.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Even heart disease risk.

A CRP test, also known as a C-reactive protein blood test, determines the amount of CRP, a protein produced by the liver in reaction to inflammation. Inflammation is part of the body’s immunological response and can be caused by various disorders, including infections and autoimmune diseases.

So, what blood test is CRP? It’s a simple blood test that shows CRP levels in the body, allowing doctors to evaluate if there’s an inflammatory process at work. When you obtain your blood report, your doctor may examine the CRP levels to determine whether further investigation or treatment is required. A CRP blood test at home may allow you to check these levels more regularly, potentially detecting inflammation early and triggering quick medical attention.

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